10 Cat-Friendly House Plants

Your furry companion(s) will love exploring your new collection of non-toxic house plants

If you’re thinking about adopting a furry friend, or if you already have but love a green indoor nature collection, the good news is: you can have both. But before you go introducing plant babies to fur babies, you’ll need to understand which plants are safe for your cat. A lot of common plants can cause seizures, vomiting, tremors, or worse—and we wouldn’t want that for our babies, would we? Especially when those purr-fect pals have a habit of sticking their curious little heads in everyone’s business. So to keep your greenery (and whiskers) intact, we’ve compiled a list of cat-friendly house plants that are both safe and a lovely addition to your home.

Keep in mind: Cross-checking the scientific names of the plants you purchase with ASPCA’s extensive list of plants that are non-toxic to felines would be a good idea to make sure you can bring the plant home.



Boston Fern

Scientific name: Nephrolepis exaltata

Your cat can nibble at the ferns all day long—it’s perfectly safe for felines. Requiring food only once every two months, the Boston Fern is also on the laid-back end of the maintenance spectrum.



Polka Dot Plant

Scientific name: Hypoestes phyllostachya

Pretty to look at and harmless to cats, the Polka Dot Plant is a great addition to your green collection at home. However, be sure to keep its soil moist and place it at an area with medium sunlight.



American Rubber Plant

Scientific name: Peperomia obtusifolia

Not only is this plant safe for your kitty, it literally purifies the air by removing toxins and can help reduce the chances of respiratory allergies—so it’s safe for you, too. Aside from the benefits, they’re low maintenance and easy to grow!



Rattlesnake Plant

Scientific name: Calathea lancifolia

Adding depth to your home decor with its color and texture, the Rattlesnake Plant would make a unique addition to your safe, green indoor collection.



Calathea Prayer Plant

Scientific name: Calathea orbifolia

Since the Calathea Prayer Plant loves humidity, it would be a great plant to place in your bathroom. Unquestionably eye-catching, it’s beautiful striped leaves and elegant coloration is bound to attract your furry friend’s curiosity.



Spider Plant

Scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum

Incredibly resilient and easy to grow indoors, but not a fan of direct sunlight, Spider Plants are a favorite among vets as they’re great animal-friendly air purifiers.



Parlor Palm

Scientific name: Chamaedorea elegans

Parlor Palms sit somewhere between a large bamboo palm and a tiny spider plant. They’re naturally slow growers and can grow only up to two feet tall. Keep them out of direct sunlight and keep soil evenly-watered for best results!



Peperomia Ginny

Scientific name: Peperomia clusiifolia

A great choice for beginners, the Peperomia Ginny is highly resilient and can survive in many different climates.




Scientific name: Echeveria lilacina

The most elegant among safe succulents for cats, Echeverias are extra appealing due to their ease of maintenance. Their colors and geometry are extraordinarily hypnotic.



Haworthia Zebra

Scientific name: Haworthiopsis attenuata

A perfect alternative to aloe plants, Haworthia Zebras are spiky-looking creatures. An ideal choice for plant lovers who are typically lazy, or for those who keep forgetting to water their plants—they can go several weeks without water.