Purisa “Minnie” Hengtrakulsin


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This young designer is currently an IGCSE student at Denla British School. Inspired by Coco Chanel’s biography, which she found at a book fair, Minnie launched her own fashion brand, Purisa Glitzy, eight years ago when she was only 7 years old, using investments from her own savings received during Chinese New Year. Since then, she has created over 13 collections and was even invited to deliver a TED Talk in 2020. Recognized as Thailand’s youngest fashion designer and the world’s youngest owner of a clothing brand, her creations are showcased at fashion shows and pop-up stores in high-end shopping centres. Being a true Gen Z, she utilises social media platforms to promote her brand and engage with customers. The Covid-19 pandemic posed challenges for her business, but it turned out to be a lesson in crisis management that she successfully navigated. Beyond her expertise in fashion design, her angelic voice captivated judges and audiences alike in The Golden Singer 2023 competition. She aspires to inspire younger generations to follow their hearts and pursue what they love doing.

This young designer is currently an IGCSE student at Denla British School. Inspired by Coco Chanel’s biography, which she found at a book fair, Minnie launched her own fashion brand, Purisa Glitzy, eight years ago when she was only 7 years old, using investments from her own savings received during Chinese New Year. Since then, she has created over 13 collections and was even invited to deliver a TED Talk in 2020. Recognized as Thailand’s youngest fashion designer and the world’s youngest owner of a clothing brand, her creations are showcased at fashion shows and pop-up stores in high-end shopping centres. Being a true Gen Z, she utilises social media platforms to promote her brand and engage with customers. The Covid-19 pandemic posed challenges for her business, but it turned out to be a lesson in crisis management that she successfully navigated. Beyond her expertise in fashion design, her angelic voice captivated judges and audiences alike in The Golden Singer 2023 competition. She aspires to inspire younger generations to follow their hearts and pursue what they love doing.