Boaz  Zippor

Boaz Zippor

Artist, Musician, Photographer, Poet

Industry : The Arts

Born in Israel and educated in Italy and New York in the field of industrial design and visual communications, Boaz Zippor has been living in Thailand for the past 20 years. The veteran of the design, advertising and branding industry, and also professional photography—he has exhibited his mixed-media art worldwide—has now turned his back on corporate life. He now uses his passion to support social projects, first in Israel and now in Thailand, especially in the field of education for under-privileged children. He not only writes books, articles and poetry, he is a self-confessed autodidact musician and multi-instrumentalist, using his home-based recording studio and music production company to release six albums of experimental music in various styles. He holds regular art exhibitions and musical soirées to raise funds for his favourite charity, the Gift of Happiness Foundation. In store for the next two years are “a couple of books that need publishing (including a non-fiction book on the ‘language of creation’), a couple of exhibitions that need to be organized, a couple of concerts to play and some pizzas that need to be eaten—not necessarily in that order”.

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